
Goodbye, 2020. Are You Ready for 2025?

2020 has been a year of challenge, complete unknowns, and yet a year of transformation for many. We discovered creative ways to work from home, worked as essential businesses during the pandemic, and each battled feelings of uncertainty — all while finding new, DIY ways to purge our closets, transform puzzles into wall art, and remodel our homes.

The Increasing Role of Digital

One thing is for certain, though. This year forced the acceleration of the role a digital world plays in every aspect of our life. In a recent article, Don Lee notes a statistic that in five years, 80 percent of all transactions will be conducted directly business-to-business.

This is exactly why LeadHERboard is important — not only to professional women but also to companies looking to improve diversity in their hiring process. It’s also important to the consumer who’s deliberately looking for a persona to trust with their legal, finances, or real estate.

The Need for Workplace Diversity

We want to provide a platform that highlights women who are successful in their careers and making things happen in the community. Research tells us that companies recognize the need for diversity in their applicant pool, but feel uncomfortable saying aloud, “we need a women” or “we want to hire women” for fear that it can sound sexist.

Finding the best professional women, within a specific field of expertise, in your community can be difficult for any number of reasons. However, at LeadHERboard, we’ve done the work for you. Our ability to recognize the best professionals while providing a way for women to be acknowledged and celebrated for their achievements takes the guesswork out of what’s been traditionally been an uncomfortable or delicate process at best.

Who Needs LeadHERboard?

  1. Organizations seeking to grow the representation of women on their leadership boards.
  2. Organizations looking to improve the diversity of their applicant pool and hire the best women professionals.
  3. Organizations that champion women and strive to make diversity a priority.
  4. Consumers wanting access to the best women professionals in their community.
  5. Women wanting to advance their careers and increase their professional visibility.

Looking Ahead

As we close 2020 and begin setting goals for what we all hope will be a better 2021, I encourage you to strategically lookout a little further. If you fit any of these categories, ask yourself what you need to do to give yourself and/or your organization the best competitive advantage for 2025 and beyond. We are here to help in any way we can. 

Wishing you and yours a safe, healthy holiday season and a prosperous new year!

Shannon L. Rich 


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  • The latest news in women’s equity
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