
Join LeadHERboard

Become a Business Directory Member

 One-time annual payment of $500 or $49.95+ per month. That’s less than $1.40 a day…

You can put your expertise and business at the forefront of your customers’ minds. LeadHERboard elevates your professional profile by showcasing your unique personality, sharing your specialized expertise and a direct contact link at the exact time consumers are making buying decisions.

+ Monthly members pay a one-time setup fee of $99

Woman using her mobile phone outdoors

What Makes a Directory Member?

LeadHERboard directory members are advocates for change and leaders in their field. Here’s what you can expect when filling out your application!

Minimum Requirements

Additional Considerations

Directory Membership Benefits

Directory Listing

Enhanced website listing showcasing your personality and professional strengths with direct links to your contact information, website and social media channels for additional visibility.

Quarterly Social Media Features

You’ll receive a minimum of four social media features throughout the year.

Professional Community

You’ll unlock access to our exclusive network of professionals and receive invitations to community partner events in your area.

Referrals & Discounts

You’ll gain access to referrals for corporate, civic board openings and “expert” media requests, as well as discounts offered to our members.

Ongoing Support

You’ll be featured in an editorial-style blog post, and we’ll check in with you quarterly to see how we can better promote you.

Membership Badge

Included in your membership, you’ll receive a badge you can use to signify being a part of the LeadHERboard Directory. It is no extra charge to add it to your email signature, newsletters, website – you name it!

71.3% of mothers with children under 18 years of age participate in the workforce.

Bureau of Labor Statistics

How it Works

Step 1

Join LeadHERboard

Women in the workplace deserve not only equal opportunities, but to be celebrated. Whether as a member, corporate partner or event sponsor, join the team.

Step 2

Gain Customers

We elevate you and your business through our strategic marketing outreach. You get to sit back and welcome all the incoming prospect calls and new customers.

Step 3

Change the Workplace

Show your stakeholders where you stand in valuing women in the workplace, and you’ll be helping to achieve the noble mission of creating real equity for all.

Meet Our Members

Voices from the Community

What our members and corporate partners have said about LeadHERboard.

Luminary Series

The definition of Luminary is simply one who inspires and influences others. We believe in sharing stories of women from every walk of life and in each community who are lighting the way for all of us.

> Become an Event Partner


Ready to join an incredible network of women professionals and business owners? Become a member today for just $49.95 a month or $500 a year.

Join Our Newsletter

Let’s stay in touch! Our bi-monthly newsletter is one of the BEST ways to get to know LeadHERboard better.
As a subscriber, you’ll be updated on…
  • The latest news in women’s equity
  • Upcoming events & educational opportunities
  • Women in our directory
  • Changes in the directory & our business


If you want to be “in the know” sign up to join our newsletter today. Never miss a thing!