We make it easy to do business with women
A professional directory of women IN and OWNED businesses.
What We’re About
It is frustratingly difficult to find a woman owned or woman led service provider. Yet, women make up more than half of the U.S. population and control or influence 85% of consumer spending (Forbes, 2019). We need change!
In an effort to empower and provide opportunities for women, we’ve created a directory that allows you to diversify your vendors.
Our mission is to elevate women across industries and make it easier for you to find vetted professionals, in addition to positioning more women in decision making roles, all while celebrating connection and community.
Mindshare/Ogilvy & Mather
91% of women say they will go out of their way to do business with other women.
Mindshare/Ogilvy & Mather
Become a Directory Member
For less than $1.40 a day, you can put your expertise and business at the forefront of your customers’ minds.
LeadHERboard elevates your professional profile by showcasing your unique personality, sharing your specialized expertise and a direct contact link at the exact time consumers are making buying decisions.
Become a Corporate Partner
Is your company a champion of women? Ready to invest in Women’s Equity?
Show your customers, employees and your community that equity in the workplace is one of your core values. Put your money where your mission is and join our team of incredible corporate partners.
Find a Professional
When you do business with one of our members you can trust they are vetted professionals.
We’ve done the research so all you have to do is decide which one to contact. You’re welcome!
Millennial women represent $170 million in spending power.
Source, Merkle: Why Millennial Women Buy
Luminary Series
The definition of Luminary is simply one who inspires and influences others. We believe in sharing stories of women from every walk of life and in each community who are lighting the way for all of us.
Coffee - Conversation - Connection
Event Details:
Date: August 29th
Time: 9:00am
Location: Matties Coffee Company
Our past coffee and conversations have been a HIT!
We can’t wait to see you again at Matties Coffee Company on 8/29. Come grab a cup of coffee and network with other professional, like-minded women. ☕️
There’s NO agenda, NO program, & NO expectations!
Revere & Revel Hosted By Better Business Bureau
Event Details:
Date: August 29th
Time: 8:00am
Location: Moore Norman Technology Center
Hosted by BBB Serving Central Oklahoma in partnership with Moore Norman Technology Center and LeadHERboard, women in business and their allies come together to discover all things wellness. Throughout the day, wellness experts (both personal and professional) will guide us on this empowering journey. Our speakers will equip us with the tools and insights to achieve overall wellness so that we bring our best selves to our businesses and communities.
How it Works
Step 1
Join LeadHERboard
Women in the workplace deserve not only equal opportunities, but to be celebrated. Whether as a member, corporate partner or event sponsor, join the team.
Step 2
Gain Customers
We elevate you and your business through our strategic marketing outreach. You get to sit back and welcome all the incoming prospect calls and new customers.
Step 3
Change the Workplace
Show your stakeholders where you stand in valuing women in the workplace, and you’ll be helping to achieve the noble mission of creating real equity for all.
Voices from the Community
What our members, event attendees, and corporate partners have said about LeadHERboard.